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"Seeds of Hope" with the Akuo Foundation

09/28/21: Seeds hope on screen with the Akuo Foundation

The Akuo Foundation supports  SEEDS OF HOPE since 2017.

Eric Scotto, co-founder of Akuo Energy and President of the Foundation, presented the project at the Foundation's gala evening in January 2018.

Three and a half years and many twists and turns later, on September 28, 2021, the first private screening of SEEDS OF HOPE at the Balzac cinema in Paris, launched by Eric Scotto and Katinka Rambert, Head of the Foundation. At the end of the film, director Pierre Beccu thanked Akuo for his support for the film and beyond for his action in favor of the ecological and humanist transition.

The spectators were able to discuss with Roukiata Ouedraogo and some young people from the Lycée Louise Michel de Champigny. 

Young people from Lycée L. Michel de Champigny during the debate

Isabelle de Vernon's reaction after the screening.

Concretely, the Akuo foundation supports projects aimed at helping underprivileged populations by implementing sustainable solutions for economic and social development. It is also active in developed countries, educating populations to make young people aware of environmental protection. 

The PermaSchools are a program developed by ACE environnement and the Akuo Foundation. Formerly Perma'collège, the program has changed its name to extend to high school students.

The objective of PermaSchool is to make young people in France aware of permaculture by installing educational vegetable gardens in their establishments, accompanied by classroom sessions with our animators to explain and discuss with them the issues related to the protection of the environment. biodiversity and eco-gestures. Today, 5 establishments in Île de France benefit from the program.

They learn to prepare and install the earth and the vegetable garden, to plant, to harvest, to carry out sowings and to create a planning of the plantings, to know the cycles of development and to valorize the waste among many other things. Having permaculture vegetable gardens in middle schools allows students to literally consume the fruits of their labor, eat healthy and know what they are eating while doing something for their environment. Growing their own vegetable garden helps prevent air pollution from transporting products and soil pollution by adopting more respectful soil cultivation. 

Other foundations have supported SEEDS OF HOPE :

The Yavarhoussen Fund, the Carasso Foundation, the Fondation de France, the Léa Nature Foundation, the RAP 1% for the Planet, the Nature et Découvertes Foundation, the Alpes Contrôles Foundation, the 6labs association.

The French Development Agency, the City of Grenoble, the Departmental Council of Isère, the Réunion National Park, Leztroy, AEM Softs, Cupkiller also provided assistance.

The Ile de France Region helped the Village de la Joie in Madagascar.

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