The platform

At a time of significant democratization of media and access to flows, transmedia content is struggling to offer new content and effective educational tools on the theme of the necessary ecological and humanist transition.

Sensitive audiences are difficult to reach on the theme of food, health, sustainable development and citizenship.

The challenge is taken up by young people themselves, who have the ability to move the lines, to accelerate the change in mentalities and behaviors, and to encourage action.

We have decided not to address citizens to convince them or make them aware, but to propose the challenge of being made aware and convinced by young people.

For us, they are not a target, but creators of resources and mediators.

As an extension of the feature film, we propose to create educational tools, with education professionals, accessible to all, young and old, to be able to create and share short or long stories from citizens.

The tutorials composed for the making of the film GRAINES D'ESPOIR will be used and adapted for the platform.


The association of transmedia, the creativity of young citizens and cinematographic art makes it possible to directly impact mentalities and behaviors:

  • Children and citizens show the path of ecological transition with beautiful and inspiring stories
  • Around stories, allow others to be inspired by practices, professions, behaviors
  • Digital technology is a great vector of sharing for learning, doing, promoting, spreading
  • Everyone can contribute, making their own stories
  • By publishing content on the platform, the citizen becomes author, actor and producer of his territory and of the humanist transition
  • The territory can do a lot if it is strongly connected inside and with the outside
  • Connect this “humanist transition laboratory” experience with citizen or expert networks
  • Directly impact the behavior of citizens and consumers, and be able to verify the results on economic dynamics.