Moratalaz District
Colegio Siglo XXI

Profile and activities

The Siglo XXI school is a different, self-managed school in the form of a non-profit family cooperative.

It promotes responsible, supportive and participatory education.

The Siglo XXI school is a reference in terms of education in the Moratalaz district of Madrid and remains a pioneer in the movements ofpedagogical and educational innovation.

It welcomes children from kindergarten to college.

At the time of the movie


Some of the students who took part in GRAINES D'ESPOIR shot a short film in French, “Echec et Mat”, as part of a national competition.

 The school is always extremely motivated to develop what it calls educational innovation, as can be seen from the wealth of events and projects that mark out the school year. You will find them on the school blog through their website.

Let us cite as examples the weekly shared reading sessions with the families of children in CP and CE1, the " group of the century", the school's pop/rock music group open to parents, teachers and students, or sexuality workshops for college students in a climate of trust and communication that allows them to build themselves while feeling free and serene.

The school will celebrate its 50th anniversary. 50 years of explorations, reflections and educational discoveries which will be compiled in a collective book.

Focus on Lou Achard

Lou was assistant director and referent for GRAINES D'ESPOIR in Madrid. She posted an essay that was being written at the time of filming, Manifesto for a Living World : bring out the possibilities, published by Libre & Solidaire,

An agronomist by training, Lou quickly focused his work on the social and militant issues raised by the question of agriculture and political ecology today.

She is also the author of a collection of poetry, The times that run, published in May 2022 by Plaine Page.



Colegio Siglo XXI
Calle Lithuania, 8
28030 Madrid

91 437 50 00 /